Posts by Jason Drumm

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Don't Let Your Friends Climb Everest Alone

Everest Alone

Did you know that it's illegal to climb Mount Everest alone? After countless deaths of people trying to scale to the top, the government of Nepal has declared it against the law to make the attempt on your own. You are now required to go as part of a team. Why? Because it's just too dangerous to do it without being tied to others. This past year, over 300 people died try...

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How to Talk with Your Kids About the Sermon

How to Talk with Your Kids About the Sermon is a resource created for our parents to help them think about how to talk with their kids about the sermon. ...

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Ladies, Maximize Your Summer


My prayer for our women. Encouraging the ladies of Canyon to maximize their spiritual growth and gospel impact through books, through relationships, and through evangelism in the Summer of 2018. ...

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6 Guidelines for Clarifying Confusing Passages


If you’ve ever been dumbfounded by a passage of Scripture, here are 6 Guidelines for Clarifying Confusing Passages. ...

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Praying for One Another


It has been said that “you will die without good friends,” and God has been clear in Scripture that every believer is truly in dire need of other believers. Perhaps one of the greatest reasons for this is that we have the opportunity to pray for one another. Never has there been a sweeter sensation than to hear the voice of a beloved friend speaking your name heavenwar...

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Knowledge of the Holy


A recommendation of the book, Knowledge of the Holy, by A.W. Tozer...

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How to Share Your Testimony


A short discussion of some primary things to consider when sharing your testimony. ...

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Bible Study Suggestions

Bible Study Suggestions Here are a few recommended studies that you can do this summer, on your own, or with a few other believers. These are good ways to learn and grow as well as stay connected and encourage one another. RADICAL: TAKING BACK YOUR FAITH FROM THE AMERICAN DREAMby David Platt - $9.51 (9 Chapters)David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart ...

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Biggest Problems in Marriage

This episode of Elders Roundtable focuses in on the greatest challenges that married couples face. ...

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How would you respond to the person who says, "I don't need church"


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Advice for Engaged and Newlywed Couples

Elders Roundtable video aimed at giving advice to Engaged and Newlywed Couples...

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Marriage: Jesus and the Church?

What does it mean when we say that Marriage is a picture of Jesus and the Church? Why do we say that our marriages are a picture of Jesus and the Church? What does the Bible say about this? What ramifications does this have for our view of marriage? How does it effect us practically?...

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The Best Women's Ministry is a Strong Men's Ministry

One of the most effective ministries a church can have to its female population is an intense desire to reach its male population. ...

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Evangelism Training Recap

Recap video and details from our recent Evangelism Training...

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Men@War "Group Discussion Guidelines"

Men's and Women's Bible Study will be launching our Spring study here in just a few weeks. As the Pastor primarily responsible for coordinating those schedules, studies, and details, I spend quite a bit of time thinking about this, and as such, praying for our men and women. The women's ministry of our church has a very helpful set of guidelines for Women's Bible Study. W...

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Meditations for Christmastime

a few brief quotes to reflect on as you may have a few extra moments to yourself this Christmas. ...

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Spiritual Disciplines 004: Tie Down the Mainsail

All of the tips and tricks for bible study will mean nothing if we are not first enamored with the truth of scripture and convinced of our desperate need for it. ...

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Thankful for you

a Thanksgiving message from the elders...

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Q: How Do we Appoint an Elder at Canyon?

In this episode of Canyon Questions, we address the question of a appointing an elder in the church. Practically, what does that look like at Canyon? Why do we do it that way? Why have him ask unbelievers about it? What role does the congregation play in appointing elders?...

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Q: How Do You Think Through Your Preaching Pace?

How do you decide how fast to teach or preach through a book? What are the dangers of going too fast? What are the risks of going too slow? How long will Andrew be in John? How do you think through preaching different genres of the Bible?...

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Q: How Can I Know if I am Called to Ministry?

How can a man know if he is called to ministry? What should he do if he thinks he is? What does the process look like to determine a call to ministry? ...

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Spiritual Disciplines 003: The Mindset for Christ

This is the third installment in the Spiritual Disciplines series of blog posts, focusing on the importance of keeping our eyes on Christ as we discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness ...

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What is the Church?

In this first episode of the Elders Roundtable, the elders answer the question, "What is the Church?" ...

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When did you "get" the church?


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Why Should Christians be Driven to Read Books?

In this episode of the Elders Roundtable, the elders tackle the question, "Why Should Christians be Driven to Read Books?" Discussion includes: Why is reading an important supplement for a Christian? Why read the Bible AND other books? Is it a sin to only read the Bible and not other good Christian books? ...

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Brad and Dave: What Does Your Reading Life Look Like?

In this episode of the Canyon Bible Church of Prescott Elders Roundtable, we ask Brad and Dave, "What Does Your Reading Life Look Like" and listen in as they talk about the joys of reading, how they prioritize what they read, the ever-piling stack of books to read, and the importance of coffee with books (that's a joke, relax). ...

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He Will Hold Me Fast

This video shows a song called "He Will Hold Me Fast," which Andrew mentioned this past Sunday in his sermon, and which we will be singing in church soon. We trust you will find it encouraging. ...

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Six Characteristics of The Leader at Regen

Thoughts from Pastor Jason on the perspective and role of a leader at camp. ...

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Spiritual Disciplines 001: The Call for Training

This is the introductory post in a series of blog posts in which we’ll be diving into the Spiritual Disciplines. ...

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Spiritual Disciplines 002: The Mindset for Value

How you view the list of Spiritual Disciplines matters. The end goal here is not simply to “be a more disciplined person” or to “work harder and be better.” The great and wonderful aim of the spiritual disciplines is to dive deeper into “the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:8)....

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Team Nicaragua - May 2016

A brief description of what the team will be doing, as well as ways to pray. ...

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Recommended Reading

A list of recommended reading for the Christian reader, divided into categories. ...

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Young People Need a Yoda

A Call to Discipleship and Mentoring of Younger Christians...

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Book Review: The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon

Review of the book "The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon" by Steve Lawson. ...

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Baptisms | April 2016

Justin Rodriguez, Elizabeth Turner, Josh Lutz, Trent Blocker, and Jeff Timm were baptized on April 16th 2016 at Canyon Bible Church to testify to the saving work of Jesus Christ in their lives....

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Family Discipleship

God has called parents to disciple their children: to teach them to obey all that He has commanded and to see Christ formed in them (Matt. 28:20; Gal. 4:19). Fathers in particular are called to lead their families in this regard. However, all too often we can find it difficult to know exactly where to start. Practically, what should I do? ...

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5 Practical Ways to Cultivate Humility

5 Practical Suggestions for Cultivating Humility Everyday...

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Shepherds Conference 2016

Jason's recap of Shepherds Conference 2016 via a video clip from Paul Washer's sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:21. ...

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2016 Winter Retreat Recap

Video recap of our Student Ministries 2016 Winter Retreat ...

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Celebrating One Year

In February of 2015, Canyon Bible Church began holding Sunday Morning Services at Miller Valley School. After one year of Sunday morning services together, it is incredible to look back over the last year of God's faithfulness to see all that He has done in our hearts and in our church. Praise the Lord!...

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9 Lessons from the Thessalonian Church

Having preached this Sunday on 3 lessons from the Thessalonian church in 1 Thess 2, I mentioned that there are actually quite a few lessons we could learn from the believers in Thessalonica. I have nine here, and would guess we could find several more. The gospel is flourishing in Thessalonica (1:8). Paul commends the believers there for their faithfulness. This is a chur...

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Nov 1st 2015

Weekly Worship Guide for Nov 1st 2015. ...

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Nov 8th 2015

Weekly Worship Guide for Nov 8th 2015. ...

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October 18th 2015

2015_18_04 - Canyon Prescott Worship Guide ...

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October 25th 2015

Worship Guide for Oct 25th 2015...

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Righteous Relationships

A compilation of sermons from Rick Holland from the sermon series formerly known as "A Roadmap to Righteous Relationships." ...

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Bible Center Stage

Video of Andrew from recent membership class discussing the importance of the Scripture's centrality to all we do as a church. ...

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Why We're Reading Don't Waste Your Life

Why our college students are reading Don't Waste Your Life together...

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October 11th 2015

Worship Guide for Oct 11...

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October 4th 2015

Canyon Bible Church // Prescott, AZ Sunday Weekly Worship Guide Oct 4th 2015...

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Sept. 27th 2015

Weekly worship guide distributed on Sunday, Sept 27th 2015....

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