Books of the Month 2024:
January - The Bruised Reed - Richard Sibbes
February - Remade - Paul Tautges
March - All That Jesus Commanded - John Piper
April - Duties of Christian Fellowship - John Owen
May - Untangling Emotions - J. Alisdair Groves & Winston T. Smith
June - Zeal without Burnout - Christopher Ash
July - Marriage Conflict: Talking as Teammates - Steve Hoppe
August - How to Eat Your Bible - Nate Pickowicz
September - Dark Clouds Deep Mercy - Mark Vroegop
October - Build on Jesus - Deepak Reju
November - Trusting God - Jerry Bridges
December - For Your Joy - John Piper
Books of the Month 2023:
January - The Expulsive Power of a New Affection - Thomas Chalmers
February - A Small Book About Why We Hide - Edward Welch
March - Holiness - J.C. Ryle
April - The Compelling Community - Mark Dever
May - Deeper - Dane Ortlund
June - Rejoice and Tremble - Michael Reeves
July - Friendish - Kelly Needham
August - True Community - Jerry Bridges
September - Praying with Paul - D.A. Carson
October - Do Not Be True to Yourself - Kevin DeYoung
November - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent - Jonathan Gibson
December - Rooted and Grounded - Jeremy Walker
Books of the Month 2022:
January - New Morning Mercies - Paul Tripp
February - Understanding Baptism - Bobby Jamieson
March - Made for Friendship - Drew Hunter
April - Knowing Sin - Mark Jones
May - God, Technology, and the Christian Life - Tony Reinke
June - Dynamics of Spiritual Life - Richard Lovelace
July - Spurgeon's Sorrows - Zack Eswine
August - Be Thou My Vision - Jonathan Gibson
September - Tell the Truth - Will Metzger
October - Respectable Sins - Jerry Bridges
November - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices - Thomas Brooks
December - What's Best Next? - Matt Perman
Books of the Month 2021:
January - Catching Foxes - John Henderson
February - Conscience - Andrew Naselli and J.D. Crowley
March - Understanding the Lord's Supper - Bobby Jamieson
April- What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord - Michael Reeves
May - Humility: True Greatness - C.J. Mahaney
June - Because He Loves Me - Elyse Fitzpatrick
July - Reformation Women - Rebecca Vandoodwaard
August - Note to Self - Joe Thorn
September - Knowable Word - Peter Krol
October - Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners - Michael Emlet
November - The Power of Christian Contentment - Andrew Davis
December - Rescue Skills and Rescue Plan (two books) - Deepak Reju and Jonathan Holmes
Books of the Month 2020:
January - A Good Old Age - Derek Prime
March - Evangelism - J. Mack Stiles
April - Spiritual Gifts - Thomas Schreiner
May - Coronavirus and Christ - John Piper
June and July - God and Money - John Cortines and Gregory Baumer
August - Discipling - Mark Dever
September - Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund
October - Reckless Abandon - David Sitton
November - God's Battle Plan for the Mind - David Saxton
December - The Cross-Centered Life - C.J. Mahaney
Other Recommended Books:
Dynamics of Spiritual Life - Richard Lovelace
The Unquenchable Flame - Michael Reeves
Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart - J.D. Greear
Thoughts for Young Men - J.C. Ryle
Trusting God Even When Life Hurts - Jerry Bridges
The Valley of Vision - Arthur Bennett
Devoted to God - Sinclair Ferguson
Why We Love the Church - Kevin DeYoung and Ted Cluck
Just Do Something - Kevin DeYoung
How to Worship Jesus Christ - Joseph Carroll
Raising Men, Not Boys - Mike Fabarez
For the Glory - Duncan Hamilton
Habits of Grace - David Mathis
Your Future Self Will Thank You - Drew Dyck
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism - Mark Dever
Compelling Community - Jamie Dunlop and Mark Dever
Confronting Christianity - Rebbeca McLaughlin
Biblical Theology - Nick Roark and Robert Cline
A Small Book About a Big Problem - Ed Welch
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Boyce College is located in Lousville, Kentucky, and is a solid Christian College that we would gladly encourage our people to attend. You don't have to move to Louisville, either. They offer many fantastic classes online, including bible, theology, and ministry classes. Furthermore, their website offers many helpful resources, articles, podcasts, and sermon audio that would be an excellent resource for any believer.
The Master's Univerity is located in Santa Clarita, California and is connected with The Master's Seminary and President and Pastor John MacArthur. They function as an online college offering distance education classes as well as a traditional college where students can move and attend. Their wesbite also contains chapel audio and many other resources you may find helpful.
Recommended Podcasts:
- Grace To You with John MacArthur
- Desiring God with John Piper
- Radical with David Platt
- The Briefing with Al Mohler
- Crossroads with Austin Duncan
- Delighting in the Trinity with Michael Reeves