videocamerasmallerversionCanyon Questions is our video series tackling ministry related issues for the leaders in our church to have help thinking through philosophy and methodology of ministry.

Why do we do what we do? What's the best way to think it through? What does biblical wisdom look like in various aspects of leadership in the church? Why do we do it that way? What does the Bible have to say about these things?



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Q: How Do we Appoint an Elder at Canyon?

In this episode of Canyon Questions, we address the question of a appointing an elder in the church. Practically, what does that look like at Canyon? Why do we do it that way? Why have him ask unbelievers about it? What role does the congregation play in appointing elders?...

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Q: How Do You Think Through Your Preaching Pace?

How do you decide how fast to teach or preach through a book? What are the dangers of going too fast? What are the risks of going too slow? How long will Andrew be in John? How do you think through preaching different genres of the Bible?...

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